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Eyal family – Adelaide

A couple and four children: The father: – a farmer, the mother- a teacher and their children ages 3-13 arrive in South Australia in January 2011. We decided to realize our dream and embark upon an adventure that in another few years we wouldn’t be able to experience, namely to give ourselves and our children a “gift of life” – to spend a number of years expanding our horizons-the destination; AUSTRALIA.

We came to Advocate Lisa Segelov to check if it was possible. It is important to note that she is like many typical Australians- very patient.

On the one hand we were confused and indecisive and on the other hand Lisa was already running ahead, organising and sorting things out. She says – we do. If one option doesn’t work she immediately tries another. About one year later we received our permanent resident visas!

We travelled to Adelaide and started everything anew. The Jewish community in Adelaide although it is small received us warmly. When we landed exhausted and with 10 suitcases, a member of the community was waiting for us with his mini-van. He organised us and got us on our feet during the first few days and from then on we continued by ourselves.

Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia, a city of 1.5 million residents and very green. Adelaide has loads of parks, and is quiet and relaxed. It is a marvelous city for families as it has everything a large city has to offer with the advantage that there are almost no high rise residential apartments such as those found in most other Australian cities. Adelaide is spread out over a large area situated between the ocean in the west and the mountains on the east The unbelievable thing is that even if you do get lost here and never find your way, you don’t arrive in Ramla!

Everything here works more slowly, yet it is organised according to clear procedures. There are no short cuts or combination deals and we are quickly getting used to the order and comfort. People are warm, kind, gentle, courteous, and willing to assist.

We experienced a few difficult months of settling in and then we already began to work. The children were absorbed quickly into the school system, communicating and chatting in English. We have a house and even a few friends! With patience and persistence it is possible to get ahead and achieve results.

However, not everything here is rosy. The language barrier is more difficult than we thought even though we both speak good English. Australian English is spiced with a heavy accent and slang is difficulty to understand. Sometimes we feel helpless and a lack of belonging to this place. Everything is so different and after what you are accustomed to you need to have an open mind and take in the new world that you enter.

Australia is a very expensive country and you need to have a lot of cash that will get you through the initial period until you find work. On the other hand, the children settle in quickly into a new culture, language, the Australian accent and customs.

As usual- children are children and as I said previously there is no need to worry about them. For us adults it is harder to change our ways and habits and time will take its toll. However slowly but surely we are feeling more at home.

Two years later life is comfortable and pleasant. There are long week-ends, trips, and hikes. Everything is relaxed-” no worries mate”  as the Australians like to say.

Sometimes we long for all that is good in Israel- for our family, our friends, the heated political  debates in a language you understand perfectly, longing for your mother’s cooking and a sense of belonging that you had.

Again our thanks and appreciation to Advocate Lisa Segelov for her patience, professionalism and for making our dream a reality!

Iris and Yoav Eyal